Very nice museum! For those who are interested in Polynesian history and culture, worth every minute in it!
Te Fare Iamanaha-Musée De Tahiti Et Des Îles的点评
点评:One of the best museum I have been, this is from someone who works in this field. Very informative, very well organized and very well presented. I thought I would be there for at most 2 hours but turned out I was there for nearly 4 hours and missed my lunch and haven’t finished all the introductions. I have been trying to find sth to read about Polynesian history and culture before my trip, sth simple but informative, not tourism guide or too academic, but failed. And this museum gives me what I want. I could have been there longer if I had brought something to eat or they had a cafe.
The only pity is that the store is closed on Sunday. I would love to buy a museum book if they have an English edition.
It is also regarded as the most beautiful museum in the South hemisphere. Not sure whether it is the MOST or not, but definitely is beautiful. And very quiet.
The taxi is expensive but worth it.
翻译:这是我去过的最好的博物馆之一,这是一位从事这个行业的人写的。信息量很大,组织得很好,展示得很好。我以为我最多会在那里呆 2 个小时,但结果我在那里呆了将近 4 个小时,错过了午餐,也没有看完所有的介绍。在旅行之前,我一直想找一些关于波利尼西亚历史和文化的书来读,简单但信息量大,不是旅游指南,也不是太学术,但没有找到。这个博物馆给了我想要的东西。如果我带了点吃的或者他们有咖啡馆,我本可以在那里呆得更久。