awesome place, worths a visit
Hamilton Museum of Steam & Technology的点评
点评:awesome tour, the guide (Philippe) was very nice and friendly and knowledgeable and told us many details about the history of the buildings, among with some stories of the building and very friendly to little kids too! made some awesome demonstrations and explanations to the items in the building. overall an awesome experience. the waterworks pump house was a fascinating structure with a long history filled with legacies of the engineers of the past and hardwork of all the generation workers. the guide made us think about being grateful and thankful for those individuals who played an important role in the past or present to provide us water. so glad that the canadian government spent time and effort and money om preserving and maintaining this building from 1859. Thanks Philippe and thank to all workers of the waterworks!( sorry the photos are on the camera and i sont have time to pull them out)(not a pro photographer but just spent a few seconds to think before pressing the shutter, right? the building looks awesome)
翻译:很棒的旅行,导游(Philippe)非常友善,知识渊博,并向我们介绍了有关建筑物历史的许多细节,其中包括建筑物的一些故事,并且对小孩子也非常友好!对建筑物中的物品进行了一些很棒的演示和解释。总的来说是一次很棒的体验。自来水厂泵房是一个迷人的结构,有着悠久的历史,充满了过去工程师的遗产和所有一代工人的辛勤工作。该指南使我们想到要感谢那些在过去或现在发挥重要作用的人为我们提供水。很高兴加拿大政府花费时间、精力和金钱来保护和维护这座 1859 年的建筑。感谢菲利普,感谢自来水厂的所有工人!(抱歉照片在相机里,我没有时间把它们拿出来) (不是专业摄影师,只是在按下快门前想了几秒钟,对吧?这座建筑看起来很棒)