点评:You can’t even enter with a ticket. Do not waste your money or time. We arrived and decided to only visit the library as it was close to closing time. Expecting great things for 4 people and 560ck/£18 (the most we paid in to anywhere so far in the city!) we were incredibly disappointed to find you can’t actually even go in to the library!!! You have to pack with a tonne of other tourists at a half door barrier and peek in?!!! Honestly it was awful. Worst experience ever. Please don’t waste your money. You have access to this entryway (photo attached of the crowd at it and the empty library beyond) and a corridor of weird dark cabinets with everything from preserved animals and pine cones to tusks and globes. No explanations or lights and a poor child got shouted at for barely leaning on one of the cabinets.
翻译:你甚至不能凭票进入。不要浪费你的金钱和时间。我们到达后决定只参观图书馆,因为已经快到关门时间了。我们期待着 4 个人花费 560 捷克克朗 / 18 英镑(这是我们在城里支付的最高金额!)就能获得很棒的体验,但我们非常失望地发现你实际上不能进入图书馆!!!你必须和一大堆其他游客挤在半门屏障前才能往里看?!!!说实话这很糟糕。有史以来最糟糕的经历。请不要浪费你的钱。你可以进入这个入口(附有人群和后面空荡荡的图书馆的照片)和一条走廊,走廊里摆满了奇怪的深色柜子,里面有各种东西,从保存完好的动物标本和松果到象牙和地球仪。没有任何解释或灯光,一个可怜的孩子因为勉强靠在其中一个柜子上而被大声呵斥。