点评:I booked to go on the May Princess to visit the Isle of May to photograph the wildlife there. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
I booked online and the process was easy. When I arrived on the day, I was given a boarding pass. The trip to the island takes about 1 hour. We had 3 hours on the island, then 1 hour back. The boat was comfortable and the crew were very knowledgable about wildlife.
The boat went close to the cliffs so we could get photos of the birds. It then berthed in the small harbour on the island. We were met by a guide from NatureScot who gave us some useful information.
I have never seen so many birds and seals in one area before. There are over 100,00 puffins on the island in the summer as well as other sea birds. As a keen photographer with a good camera and long lens, I was pleased with the photographs I managed to get. The puffins are small and move quickly so getting photos of them in flight is quite tricky.
If you are not a photographer, you can still enjoy the nature on the island - the visitor centre had scopes and the boat crew had binoculars to borrow (there may have been a charge, I am not sure). There are also 3 lighthouses on the island, one of which had an art exhibition.
I look forward to taking this trip again next year.
我在网上预订,过程很简单。当天到达时,我拿到了登机牌。前往该岛的旅程大约需要 1 小时。我们在岛上待了 3 个小时,然后又回来了 1 个小时。船很舒适,船员对野生动物非常了解。
船靠近悬崖,所以我们可以拍到鸟的照片。然后它停泊在岛上的小港口。我们遇到了来自 NatureScot 的一位导游,他给了我们一些有用的信息。
我以前从未在一个地区见过这么多的鸟类和海豹。夏天岛上有超过 100,00 只海鹦和其他海鸟。作为一名热衷于摄影、拥有好相机和长镜头的摄影师,我对我拍到的照片很满意。海鹦很小,动作很快,所以拍到它们飞行的照片相当棘手。
如果您不是摄影师,您仍然可以欣赏岛上的自然风光 - 游客中心有望远镜,船员有双筒望远镜可供借用(可能需要收费,我不确定)。岛上还有 3 座灯塔,其中一座有艺术展。