A Waterfall Bonus, A Suspension Bridge
Drift Creek Falls Trail的点评
点评:We were looking for some different experiences from previous trips. There are some pretty neat waterfalls along the coast. And we are always up for a hike. This hike involved a neato bridge so was quite enticing.
• Drive – getting there is half the job (or something like that). We had to drive deep into the forest for this hike. The road became increasingly narrow and really (like really) wound around the hillsides. I was constantly worried that I’d round a corner and come face to face with a humongous truck (the signs said Watch for Trucks). It was a pretty drive through dense trees shadowed so much that my headlights-off sign came on. A pretty half hour drive. But glad it’s done.
• Trail – what a nice big trail. Almost wide enough to walk side-by-side (but not quite). Like the road it winds around the hillsides and through this quite dense forest. About 500 feet of elevation gain (actually fall all the ways to the falls and up all the way back). Good trail. Lots of roots but quite comfortable walking.
• Falls – the Drift Creek Falls are great. They pour over the side of a large canyon with a rock face. And this is at their low. Pictures we’ve seen show much water flowing. They are pretty amazing.
• Suspension Bridge – so, we’re walking on the trail and come on this big head stock at right angles to the trail. Attached to the head stock is a 200 foot suspension bridge going over the canyon to an observation area. The bridge is amazing with these cables holding it up and three foot wide walk area. It’s as amazing as the Falls. Why here? We researched, but found no reason. It’s sure pretty and fun to walk over (and quite stable).
A great hike.
• 开车——到达那里是一半的工作(或类似的事情)。为了这次徒步旅行,我们不得不开车深入森林。道路变得越来越窄,真的(真的)绕着山坡蜿蜒而行。我一直担心我会在拐角处与一辆巨大的卡车面对面(标志上写着“小心卡车”)。这是一次美丽的驾车之旅,穿过茂密的树林,树荫太多,以至于我的大灯熄灭标志亮了起来。半个小时的车程很愉快。但很高兴它完成了。
• 小径——多么漂亮的大小径。几乎足够宽,可以并肩行走(但不是完全)。就像公路一样,它绕着山坡蜿蜒而行,穿过这片相当茂密的森林。海拔高度增加了约 500 英尺(实际上一直下降到瀑布,然后一直上升回来)。很好的小径。有很多树根,但走起来很舒服。
• 瀑布——漂流溪瀑布非常壮观。瀑布从大峡谷的岩石表面倾泻而下。这是瀑布最低点。我们看过的照片显示瀑布水流很大。瀑布非常壮观。
• 吊桥——我们走在小径上,来到与小径成直角的大桥头。桥头连接着一座 200 英尺长的吊桥,横跨峡谷,通往观景区。这座桥非常壮观,有缆绳支撑着它,还有三英尺宽的步行区。它和瀑布一样壮观。为什么是这里?我们研究过,但找不到原因。走在上面确实很漂亮,很有趣(而且很稳定)。