First class temple, but third rate management
Arunachaleshwara Temple的点评
点评:One can feel the divinity of this place due to its stature in history and its association with various giants of Sanatana Dharma notably Shri Ramana Maharishi and others.
Being in sanctums of Arunachaleswara and Unnamalai Amman brings ecstatic feeling..well somewhat!
This is a divine place, made less divine by incompetent management of HR&CE and unthoughtful devotees. There is NO crowd control by guards, crowd control is by using tall barricades and devotees being herded around like animals. Even animals would know better than "some" devotees who push and shove other devotees in lines regardless of age or sex. They totally forget they are in a divine temple. On top of that, corrupt bandicoots from HR&CE exhibit nepotism in plain sight by letting groups of men and women(who knows who they are!) bypass the lines altogether and put them at the front of lines. One cannot blame management for everything, some devotees mess up the temple and its surroundings by throwing trash & plastic waste all over, disregarding civility, hygiene, and cleanliness.
This is a popular temple with so much spiritual significance and so many visiting devotees and crores in earnings, but the facilities are very much lacking and does not match the crowd and earnings. In this day and age (2025) this temple should at least have the main mandapams and garba-griha air-conditioned. It does not have minimum facilities like good drinking water supply, good clean restrooms, and hand wash facilities. This is the pathetic state of management by HRCE.
Please note, that this temple is also not friendly to the old and differently abled.
翻译:人们可以感受到这个地方的神圣,因为它在历史上的地位以及它与 Sanatana Dharma 的各种巨人的联系,尤其是 Shri Ramana Maharishi 和其他人。
身处 Arunachaleswara 和 Unnamalai Amman 的圣殿会带来欣喜若狂的感觉……嗯,有点!
这是一个神圣的地方,由于 HR&CE 的管理不善和信徒的粗心大意,它变得不那么神圣了。这里没有警卫控制人群,而是使用高高的路障,信徒们像牲畜一样被赶来赶去。即使是动物也比“一些”信徒更懂事,他们不分年龄和性别,推搡着排队的其他信徒。他们完全忘记了自己身处神圣的寺庙。最重要的是,HR&CE 的腐败匪徒公然表现出裙带关系,让一群群男人和女人(谁知道他们是谁!)完全绕过队伍,把他们放在队伍的最前面。我们不能把所有事情都归咎于管理层,一些信徒把垃圾和塑料垃圾随处乱扔,不顾文明、卫生和清洁,把寺庙及其周围环境弄得一团糟。
这是一座很受欢迎的寺庙,具有如此多的精神意义,来访的信徒如此之多,收入数以千万计,但设施却非常缺乏,与人群和收入不相称。在当今时代(2025 年),这座寺庙至少应该有空调的主要 mandapam 和 garba-griha。它没有最低限度的设施,如良好的饮用水供应、干净的卫生间和洗手设施。这是 HRCE 可悲的管理状态。