点评:Our guide was hopeless, we had poor advice. We were told we could take cameras up, but not use them inside the temple complex. In fact, cameras are not allowed.
We were also told we couldn't take water up in plastic bottles, but having no alternatives we just put them at the bottom of our bags and covered them up. The guards knew they were there but ignored it. We took a litre each, it wasn't enough.
The climb up is strenuous with the price of being carried getting cheaper the closer you got to the top. I found coming down harder, for even though we weren't breathless from exertion, our knees and ankles began to give way. Some folk hired a carry chair for the last 250 steps, we could appreciate why.
The views were amazing from the top, the temples spectacular. We tried to be respectful of the many pilgrims as we were just tourists.
We were supposed to be met at the bottom only to be told that transport was an hour away. After 6 hours strenuous exercise in 35-37c heat, we weren't happy and let our feelings known to our guide.
攀登过程非常艰苦,越接近山顶,携带的费用就越便宜。我发现下降更加困难,因为尽管我们没有因为用力而气喘吁吁,但我们的膝盖和脚踝开始屈服。有些人在最后 250 步时租了一把随身椅,我们可以理解其中的原因。
我们本来应该在底部见面,结果却被告知还有一个小时的路程。在 35-37 摄氏度的高温下进行了 6 小时的剧烈运动后,我们感到不高兴,并向我们的导游表达了我们的感受。