点评:There are very few things to do or see in and around Jamshedpur for the average tourist, and this is one of them. It takes half an hour to drive to Dimna lake from the city centre. Once there, a flight of 100 stairs takes you to the top of the dam from where you can get a panoramic view of the lake. There's a road for pedestrians, with a few benches scattered intermittently for people to rest. Walking all of it takes a fair while, we turned back half way into the walk. There's nothing much to see and do except the lake view, and it's particularly arduous on a hot and sweltering day.
At the bottom of the stairs is a little market where vendors sell sugarcane juice, chai, and other eatables.
Unfortunately, the entire trail and the environs are profusely littered. Napkins, newspapers, packets of chips, plastic water bottles, even a dirty diaper -- all of this soils what could have been a beautiful place, had it been maintained well.
翻译:对于普通游客来说,贾姆谢德布尔及其周边地区可做的事情或可看的东西很少,而这是其中之一。从市中心开车到迪姆纳湖需要半个小时。到达那里后,需要爬上 100 级楼梯才能到达大坝顶部,从那里可以欣赏到湖泊的全景。这里有一条人行道,中间零星分布着几张长椅供人们休息。走完全程需要一段时间,我们在半路上折返。除了湖景外,没有什么可看可做的事情,在炎热闷热的日子里走起来尤其费劲。