Discover original sculptures & history of the Archbishop’s Palace from archaeological discoveries found on the site
Erkebispegarden (Archbishop's Palace)的点评
点评:Out of the cathedral museums, I would probably say if you're short on time visit the cathedral and then The Crown Regalia instead. This museum is a bit more specialist in its approach as half of it is devoted to showcasing restored and recovered stone works from the site (which if you’re interested in that sort of thing this will complement the cathedral well) as well as history and development of the Archbishops Palace which is directly next door to the cathedral. You can see the actual recovered earthworks, stone walls, and pottery excavated from the site.
Again, that's not to say this museum is bad in anyway as it does give you loads more information to compliment your visit to the site and the level of work that has gone into restoration. That said, I can understand some people may not simply care about stone carving, the tools involved, the methods used and skills required. There are some models to show what site looked like and how it developed over time as well as static displays in glass cases. It is spread across 3 floors, although the first floor is much larger whereby you almost circle round back to entry.
Worth a visit if you have the time and interest.
再说一次,这并不是说这个博物馆不好,因为它确实为你提供了更多信息,以补充你对遗址的访问和修复工作的水平。话虽如此,我可以理解有些人可能不仅仅关心石雕、所涉及的工具、使用的方法和所需的技能。有一些模型可以展示遗址的样子和它随着时间的推移如何发展,以及玻璃柜中的静态展示。它分布在 3 层,虽然一楼要大得多,你几乎绕了一圈才回到入口。