点评:As a wildlife rehabber and a lover of the sea, I had high hopes for Polaria and thought it would be one of the highlights of our trip. Unfortunately, it left me a little underwhelmed and ended up being a bit of a mixed bag.
Firstly, the aquarium was undergoing maintenance and only the bearded seals were on display. They were adorable and we spent quite a long time watching them play and splash around. We returned to the seal pool at feeding time but found that it was so crowded, it was a struggle to reach the top of the stairs. We couldn’t see anything so didn’t stay for the feeding display. We did really like that we could also see the seals under the water and really loved standing in the tunnel and watching their cheeky faces swim above our heads.
The fish pools were fun and I loved the unique looking flat fish. The fish all looked healthy and active which is always nice to see.
The informative displays around the aquarium were really interesting and we enjoyed looking at them, interacting with the exhibits and absorbing the information.
We watched short film in the cinema but it kept skipping and the audio ended up totally out of sync from the film.
The cafe upstairs was closed and screened off. There were signs on the tables saying we could purchase drinks and food from the gift shop downstairs. The selection was very small but what they did have was nice and fresh.
All in all, we did enjoy our visit to Polaria but it did feel quite overpriced considering many of the animals and things to do were unavailable to us. It was enjoyable, but we probably wouldn’t make a return trip, at least until the building work is completely anyway.
翻译:作为一名野生动物康复师和海洋爱好者,我对 Polaria 寄予厚望,认为这将是我们旅行的亮点之一。不幸的是,它让我有点失望,最终有点喜忧参半。
总而言之,我们确实很享受对 Polaria 的访问,但考虑到许多动物和活动对我们来说都不可用,确实感觉价格过高。这很愉快,但我们可能不会再来,至少在建筑工作完成之前不会。