点评:The Sound and Light show is held on all days except on Sunday and Public Holidays.
Sunday and Public Holidays, while the show would not be there , the palace gets illuminated. (see the photos and their captions to get an idea).
Coming to the SL show- the tickets are available from 6:30 from Varaha gate counter. There are enough seats so no need to panic on seeing the queue crowd. The show is in English on few days of the week and Kannada on other days of week. Sat it has both Eng (7 to 8) and Kan (8:15 to 9:15).
Plastic chairs are layed down in front of the Palace. The show starts promptly at 7 PM. Now comes the disappointment- This is just a light show, no lasers are used. So only certain parts of the palace gets illuminated in tune with music. The sound is hopeless as the sound systems are poor- both in volume and clarity. We couldnt make out anything of what was spoken (mysores history starting from the demon king). The music was jarring to the ears. The lights were okish but became boring at one point. Most of the crowd started by eagerly recording the scene on their cell phone but gave up in 5 mins after they saw the quality on offer. Most of them started chatting, scrolling on their mobile and few walked out after 20-25 mins. Probably the last 2 min the sequencing of music and light was good but sure not worth the Rs 120 (70 for 1o to 18 years and below 10 years it is free).
Post the 45 mins show , the palace gets fully illuminated by bulbs and look beautiful. (but then same you can see - and in fact closer- if you come on Sundays or holidays). So my suggestion is to skip this if you can can plan to come to palace on Sunday or a holiday evening.
Most of us came extremely disappointed. Yes we new it wouldnt be like laser ones I had seen in Isha or Konark or Lumbini but this was a disaster.
If you still go and watch after reading this review, dont blame me that you were not warned.
Instead spend the evening at Vengupal Temple near KRS or a walk around the 2 lakes.
来观看 SL 秀吧 - 门票从 6:30 开始在 Varaha 门柜台购买。座位足够,所以看到排队的人潮时不必惊慌。一周中只有几天演出使用英语,其他日子使用卡纳达语。周六有英语(7 点到 8 点)和卡纳达语(8:15 到 9:15)。
宫殿前摆放着塑料椅子。演出准时在晚上 7 点开始。现在令人失望的是 - 这只是一场灯光秀,没有使用激光。所以只有宫殿的某些部分会随着音乐亮灯。声音令人失望,因为音响系统很差 - 音量和清晰度都很差。我们听不清说了什么(迈索尔的历史从魔王开始)。音乐刺耳。灯光还行,但一度变得无聊。大多数人一开始都急切地用手机录制这个场景,但在看到质量后 5 分钟就放弃了。他们中的大多数人开始聊天,在手机上滚动,很少有人在 20-25 分钟后离开。可能最后 2 分钟音乐和灯光的顺序很好,但肯定不值 120 卢比(10 至 18 岁 70 卢比,10 岁以下免费)。
45 分钟的表演结束后,宫殿被灯泡完全照亮,看起来很漂亮。(但如果你周日或节假日来,你可以看到 - 事实上更近)。所以我的建议是,如果你可以计划在周日或节假日晚上来宫殿,就跳过这个。
我们大多数人都非常失望。是的,我们知道它不会像我在 Isha 或 Konark 或 Lumbini 看到的激光那样,但这是一场灾难。
相反,你可以在 KRS 附近的 Vengupal 寺度过夜晚,或者在 2 个湖泊周围散步。