点评:This temple dedicated to Vaishnava worship is a sandhara temple of the panchayatan, (five shrined) variety and is the earliest and best preserved of the evolved temples with entrance-porch, mandapa, maha-mandapa with transepts, vestibule and sanctum with an ambulatory and three transepts. This is the only temple which preserves intact all the subsidiary shrines and the jagati (platform) with its mouldings and friezes. It still displays the largest number of the fine apsaras brackets, which form a notable feature of the interior decoration of the Khajuraho temples. The sanctum doorway is of seven sakhas (vertical panels), the central one being decorated with various incarnations of Vishnu. The lintel depicts Lakshmi at the center. The jangha (wall) of the sanctum proper is decorated with two rows of sculptures of which the upper one is carved with interesting scenes from the Krishna legend, including the subjugation of the serpent Kaliya, the elephant Kuvalayapida and the wrestlers Chanura and Sala and the Killing of Putana, etc. The sanctum enshrines a three-headed and four-armed image of Vishnu as Vaikuntha with a human central head and the side-heads of boar and lion. An inscribed slab, dated in A.D. 953-54 in the reign of Dhanga, which was originally excavated at the base of the temple, says that king Yasovarman died in circa 954, the temple appears to have been built between 930 and 950, which fits in well with its architectural and sculptural peculiarities. (Information from ASI)
翻译:这座供奉毗湿奴教的寺庙是一座五神殿式的沙达拉寺庙,是发展至今保存最完好的寺庙,有门廊、曼达帕、带横厅的摩诃曼达帕、前厅和圣殿,圣殿有回廊和三个横厅。这是唯一一座保存完好的寺庙,所有附属神殿和带有装饰线条和雕带的 jagati(平台)。它仍然保留着数量最多的精美飞天托架,这些托架是卡修拉荷寺庙室内装饰的显著特征。圣殿门口有七个萨卡(垂直面板),中间的面板装饰着毗湿奴的各种化身。门楣上描绘的是拉克希米在中间。圣殿的墙壁上装饰着两排雕塑,上排雕刻着克利须那传说中的有趣场景,包括征服蛇 Kaliya、大象 Kuvalayapida 和摔跤手 Chanura 和 Sala 以及杀死 Putana 等。圣殿供奉着三头四臂的毗湿奴像 Vaikuntha,其中央是人头,两侧是野猪和狮子的头。最初在寺庙底部挖掘出的一块石板上刻有铭文,年代为 Dhanga 统治时期的公元 953-54 年,上面写着 Yasovarman 国王死于大约 954 年,寺庙似乎是在 930 年至 950 年之间建造的,这与其建筑和雕塑特色非常吻合。(信息来自 ASI)