Poor course all around! Took a divot in my wallet and did not provide any aces!
Manderley on the Green的点评
点评:Hands down probably one of the worst golf experiences I have had in my 30+ years of golfing around the world! To start off, we arrived in the morning and went in to pay and the ladies in the pro shop did not greet or make us feel even remotely welcome. One was on her phone the whole time just chatting to the other who basically just told us how much to pay and when to and that was it. We then go out and pickup our golf carts and I thought maybe it was a vintage thing going on with them but then I hit the gas pedal and it barely moved. I asked the guy if we could have another but he said he didn’t have any others ready. Seats were cracked and tatty and no scorecard or pencils in the cart either. Off to a great start but it gets better! We then get to the starter and he is a real peach, immediately telling us we are late when our tee time was for 9:06 and it was currently 8:58. Is it an 8 minute drive to the 1st tee…? That guy is an absolute drain on your business with the way he speaks to guests and has no customer service skills!
So we finally start our round and by this point I am already hacked off and wish I had just driven my junker of a golf cart to the car and just left but wait…we spent 150 and change to play this magnificent beast. The problem was though it was far from magnificent! The tee boxes were horrible and just a little grass here and there but mostly dirt and weeds. The fairways were not much better with weeds galore, poorly mowed and I can count on one hand the amount of decent lies I had from the fairway during the round. Might as well of been playing in a cow field. The greens were hairy and slow as anything and are how I would expect a fairway to be on a course where I paid that much to play for me and a guest! I’ve played $30 courses that included carts that were much better than this.
To top it all off, the starter guy and another Marshall kept nonstop throughout the round coming by and checking on us and mentioning our time! We were not playing slow by any means but they said they had the group behind us call and complain. The group behind us were walking and they literally hit every shot 40 yards and straight and just walked up and repeated throughout every hole. They didn’t even wait on the par 3’s to hit because they knew they wouldn’t get there. Whereas we were actually playing golf and hitting drivers etc and having to wait on the groups in front of us to play and move from our range or from the green- you know, following golf etiquette! Not to mention our golf carts were running so slow, it barely made it back to the clubhouse.
This course will not last under current managers and staff. If it does, people must not mind being heckled, having poor service and playing a garbage quality course from tee to green! Huge waste of money so would highly recommend saving it if you plan on playing here! Not allowed to give 0 stars unfortunately!
翻译:毫无疑问,这可能是我 30 多年来在世界各地打高尔夫球以来经历过的最糟糕的高尔夫经历之一!首先,我们早上到达并进去付款,专卖店里的女士们没有打招呼,也没有让我们感到一丝欢迎。一个人一直在打电话,只是和另一个人聊天,而另一个人基本上只是告诉我们要付多少钱以及何时付,仅此而已。然后我们出去拿起我们的高尔夫球车,我想这可能是他们身上发生的一种老式的事情,但后来我踩了油门踏板,它几乎没有移动。我问那个人我们是否可以再要一个,但他说他没有准备好其他的。座位又破又破,车里也没有记分卡或铅笔。这是一个良好的开始,但会变得更好!然后我们找到了发车员,他真是个大好人,当我们的开球时间是 9 点 06 分,而现在是 8 点 58 分时,他立即告诉我们我们迟到了。到第一洞发球台需要 8 分钟车程吗?那家伙与客人交谈的方式绝对会耗尽您的生意,而且没有客户服务技能!
所以我们终于开始了我们的回合,此时我已经被砍掉了,希望我刚刚把我的垃圾高尔夫球车开到车上然后离开,但是等等……我们花了 150 美元,换来玩这个宏伟的野兽。问题是它远非宏伟!发球台很糟糕,到处都是一点草,但大部分都是泥土和杂草。球道也好不到哪里去,杂草丛生,修剪得很差,我一只手就能数出我在球道上打出的像样的球有多少。还不如在牛场里玩耍呢。果岭毛茸茸的,速度很慢,这就是我所期望的球道,我花了那么多钱为我和一位客人打球!我玩过 30 美元的课程,其中包括比这更好的球车。
最重要的是,首发球员和另一位马歇尔在整个回合中不间断地过来检查我们并提及我们的时间!无论如何,我们打得并不慢,但他们说他们让我们后面的团队打电话抱怨。我们后面的那群人正在步行,他们每次击球都打出 40 码且笔直的距离,然后走上前去,在每个洞中重复击球。他们甚至没有等到三杆洞就击球,因为他们知道自己无法到达那里。而我们实际上是在打高尔夫球和击球等,并且必须等待我们前面的人打球并从我们的练习场或果岭上移动 - 你知道,遵循高尔夫礼仪!更不用说我们的高尔夫球车跑得太慢了,勉强回到会所。