点评:Went on a lovely 2 hour waterway excursion...the weather was bad, I went between storms, so that impacted the amount of water and fowl wildlife one could see.
I wanted to emphasize how responsive and what a good communicator this company's representative was. I pursued many ads only to find that
1) I found no other companies departing from Vero Beach (at the McWilliams Boat Ramp by the Vero Beach Dog Park) but usually a point 1.5 hours or more away - so If you don't have the time to go elsewhere try them!
2) In this business sector, at this time, in this area, I experienced that a majority of broken links, unclaimed previous website ghosts, non working numbers and VMs without call backs...
After emailing and calling all companies within a 2 hour radius ( about 11)
I received a live phone call within half an hour from River Explorer Boat Tours
besides that I only received one other response; in the from of an email a few days later.
翻译:进行了一次美妙的 2 小时水路旅行……天气很糟糕,我是在暴风雨之间去的,因此影响了人们可以看到的水和鸟类野生动物的数量。
1) 我没有找到其他从维罗海滩(维罗海滩狗公园旁的 McWilliams 船坡道)出发的公司,但通常要 1.5 小时或更长时间 - 所以如果你没有时间去其他地方,可以试试他们!
2) 在这个商业领域,在这个时候,在这个地区,我发现大多数链接都断开了,以前的网站鬼影无人认领,电话号码不起作用,没有回电……
在给 2 小时半径范围内的所有公司发送电子邮件和打电话后(大约 11 家),
我在半小时内接到了 River Explorer Boat Tours 的现场电话