点评:The present building dates from 1184 and is the second on this site the first having been destroyed by fire in 1141. A high portico was added to the west front in 1396 which was rebuilt in 1467. A radical remodelling of the interior began in 1575 of which only the crypt and the Capella Maggiore survive. It caused the vaults to collapse which led to the decision to rebuild the main part of the cathedral from scratch. Work began in 1605 with a new facade added in 1743-1747. The current interior is a splendid baroque housing works of art including a Caracci fresco in the presbytery ceiling and a sculptured group in terracotta by Alfonso Lambsrdi dating from the early 16th century. The bell tier dating from the 12th and 13th centuries and accommodates a bell known as ‘La Nona’ weighing 3,300 kilogrammes.
翻译:现存建筑始建于 1184 年,是该地块上的第二座建筑,第一座在 1141 年毁于一场大火。1396 年,教堂西侧增加了高高的门廊,并于 1467 年重建。1575 年开始对内部进行彻底改造,其中只有地下室和 Capella Maggiore 幸存下来。这次改造导致拱顶倒塌,因此决定从头开始重建大教堂的主要部分。重建工作始于 1605 年,1743-1747 年间增加了新的立面。目前教堂内部是华丽的巴洛克风格,里面摆放着各种艺术品,包括长老会天花板上的卡拉奇壁画和 Alfonso Lambsrdi 创作的一组 16 世纪早期的陶土雕塑。钟楼可追溯到 12 世纪和 13 世纪,钟楼内有一口重达 3,300 公斤的钟,名为“La Nona”。