点评:Mount Hutt the snow was good but customer service is not.
Having not been there for years my first interaction in Guest services was with a guy from Colorado who was the most unfriendly person I ever met in any business ever! I didn't get his name but he was beyond bored unengaged and unwelcoming.
Please tell him not to come back and to avoid people until he learns to interact positively with humans or just don't. They guy in the rentals was much more helpful. Thanks long haired guy . The storage person also looked annoyed I came in. Really ?
The shuttle drivers were very good and helpful also.
Hey I worked on a mountain myself for 3 years so I know what to do.
Please Mount Hutt do some work in recruiting good staff.
People are paying a lot to visit your experience and the Guest services should be the most important interaction. Stop employing these young people who don't care about their jobs. It really affects your business. I get it for lifties. But not the Internal customer service staff.
Also btw going cashless is only convenient to you.
Why ?? It's just not a good idea.
What if your system crashed ?
It just shows again that you don't care about your customer needs
Thank you.
嘿,我自己在山上工作了 3 年,所以我知道该怎么做。