Every devotee visiting Mathura must go to this place. If you are in a cab or four-wheeler, park it roadside and enter through gate No. 2 as it is nearby. Remember that there is very tight security, and mobiles, bags, belts, smartwatches, coins, and even car keys are not allowed inside. A locker room is available near the gate, but the queue is very long. So, if you have any of these items, you'll need to queue again for the locker room before entering the temple complex.
Inside the complex, there is a temple of Lord Krishna, and darshan for it is in a queue. Following that, the queue leads to the cell where Lord was born. The Krishna Janam Bhoomi has been commemorated by a marble slab marking the exact spot of His birth. After that, visit the five shrines inside the temple complex. There is also a small cave JHANKHI depicting Shri Krishna's life; the entry ticket is Rs. 10, which is also valid for visiting the cave near gate No. 1.
每个来马图拉的信徒都必须去这个地方。如果您乘坐的是出租车或四轮车,请将其停在路边并通过 2 号门进入,因为它就在附近。请记住,安全措施非常严格,手机、包、皮带、智能手表、硬币,甚至车钥匙都不允许带入室内。大门附近有更衣室,但队伍很长。因此,如果您携带其中任何物品,则需要在进入寺庙群之前再次排队进入更衣室。
在建筑群内,有一座克里希纳勋爵的寺庙,而达显则在排队。接下来,队列通向洛德出生的牢房。为了纪念克里希纳·贾南·布米,人们用一块大理石板标记了他出生的确切地点。之后,参观寺庙建筑群内的五个神社。还有一个 JHANKHI 小洞穴,描绘了克里希纳 (Shri Krishna) 的一生。门票是卢比。 10号,也适用于参观1号门附近的洞穴。