点评:This page is confusing. There are two locations for this museum and the reviews mostly cover one of the other. Ask for a ticket that covers both parts as it is slightly cheaper.
The Main location is to the west of the harbour next to and perhaps part of the Firkas Fortress. You will need around 90 minutes to cover all the exhibits covering from ancient Crete through WW2 (there is a large section covering the Battle of Crete in 1941) and up to more recent times. Not as "finished" as the Archaeology Museum using an existing building and older display formats, but well worth the visit if interested in Crete Maritime History.
The other location is at the far end (east) of the harbour using as its home a Venetian boat yard. Much smaller, but it has an authentic reconstruction of a Minoan Ship including information on how it was constructed. It is a working vessel having carried the Olympic flame to the 2004 Athens Olympics. We spent about 45 minutes here.
主要位置位于港口西侧,毗邻 Firkas 堡垒,可能是堡垒的一部分。您需要大约 90 分钟才能参观完所有展品,涵盖从古代克里特岛到二战(有很大一部分涵盖 1941 年的克里特岛战役)以及更近的时期。不像考古博物馆那样“完成”,使用现有建筑和较旧的展示格式,但如果对克里特岛航海史感兴趣,非常值得一游。
另一个地点位于港口远端(东侧),使用威尼斯船厂作为其所在地。规模小得多,但它拥有米诺斯船的真实重建,包括有关其建造方式的信息。这是一艘工作船,曾将奥运圣火带到 2004 年雅典奥运会。我们在这里花了大约 45 分钟。