Continued dysfunction - being charged for a Complimentary Room. Again! And add discrimatory upon check-in too.
Live! Casino & Hotel Maryland的点评
点评:See prior review I posted in October - same issue again. The 'Management Team' is either lazy, inept, ignorant, dismissive, or some combination of these. When booking a room using their platform for a Complimentary Room - they proceed to charge you upon checkout. They do this even though I have brought their system issues to their attention the last time this occurred. This same issue also occurred in July. And you know what I got for my 'troubles' - $50 for food. And they do this again - crickets this time... What I get from a 'manager' is that she (Veira) was 'extending me a courtesy' by refunding me. Let's get this straight - you didn't provide a 'courtesy' you did your job!
I warn any other patrons of this False Advertising when considering this property. Oh, and let's not forget that their Receptionists will racially discriminate against you and allow someone to cut in line to be checked in of the same race.
And the only thing that will be done is the Marketing Department will reply - Thank you for your input as we look to make improvements. (Standard BS response to a persistent issue)
翻译:参见我 10 月份发布的评论 - 再次出现同样的问题。“管理团队”要么懒惰,要么无能,要么无知,要么不屑一顾,要么这些情况兼而有之。当您使用他们的平台预订免费客房时 - 他们会在结账时向您收费。尽管我上次发生这种情况时已经向他们报告了他们的系统问题,但他们还是这样做了。同样的问题也发生在 7 月份。你知道我为我的“麻烦”得到了什么 - 50 美元的食物费。他们又这样做了 - 这次没有回应...我从“经理”那里得到的是,她(Veira)通过退款给我“给我礼貌”。让我们说清楚 - 你没有提供“礼貌”,你只是尽职尽责!
唯一能做的就是营销部门会回复 - 感谢您的意见,我们会做出改进。(对一个长期存在的问题的标准 BS 回应)