点评:Don't get me wrong: the Florentine architect never traveled in this region.
However, entering this church, the reference to Brunelleschi's greatest basilica creations is evident: the interior "mimics" San Lorenzo and Santo Spirito in Florence.
The phenomenon is explainable: one of the renovations of this church - originally of architecture from the first half of the 13th century, purely Frederickian - is due to the Tuscan architect Luigi Calamech (1589). He introduced the structure featuring three naves, with two rows of monolithic basalt columns, supporting high Corinthian capitals with stone "dices", and connected to each other by Renaissance arches. Brunelleschi, precisely.
For the rest, the part that has reached us least altered by the transformations appears to be the complex of three very high apses, which contribute to giving the sensation of a fortress-church. The south-facing side of the church is also well preserved, but it saw the insertion of a beautiful Gothic-Catalan portal from the 15th century. The subsequent interventions are due to the well-known architect from Palermo Venanzio Marvuglia (late 18th-early 19th century), with the creation of the dome; while the renovation of the façade falls in the mid-19th century.
Overall, after the great Norman cathedrals, this appears to be one of the most notable churches in Sicily as for building effort. A phenomenon that is well explained, if one considers that Randazzo stood on the “regia trazzera” (royal sheep track) Palermo-Messina, therefore on the most important land communication route in Sicily.
这种现象是可以解释的:这座教堂的一次翻修——最初是 13 世纪上半叶纯粹的腓特烈式建筑——归功于托斯卡纳建筑师 Luigi Calamech (1589)。他引入了具有三个中殿的结构,两排整体玄武岩柱,用石制“骰子”支撑高大的科林斯柱头,并通过文艺复兴时期的拱门相互连接。正是布鲁内莱斯基。
至于其余部分,我们注意到的改造最少的部分似乎是三个非常高的后殿的复合体,它们给人一种堡垒教堂的感觉。教堂的南侧也保存完好,但增加了一个 15 世纪的哥特式加泰罗尼亚门廊。随后的干预措施由巴勒莫著名建筑师 Venanzio Marvuglia(18 世纪末至 19 世纪初)完成,包括建造圆顶;而正面的翻新则在 19 世纪中叶进行。
总体而言,继伟大的诺曼大教堂之后,这座教堂似乎是西西里岛建筑最杰出的教堂之一。如果考虑到 Randazzo 位于巴勒莫-墨西拿的“regia trazzera”(皇家绵羊道)上,因此位于西西里岛最重要的陆上交通路线上,这一现象就很容易解释。