点评:I'm Julian Hannibal a known artist in Boston, Massachusetts. I was ready to perform live with Enels , a well respected artist from the beaches of New England, Massachusetts, New Hampshire area and Seabrook, New Hampshire "Home of the great delicious Hannah Foods Hummus Factory"... "Even Better than the the known!!"
I worked for them as their assistant Research and Development FOOD SCIENTIST
.... Someone appeared to be arguing with the liaison of the Rotana Hotel, Eddy Tannous... hence I'm a trained rugby player offered to play for the Lebanon Pro National team... the Cedars from Eastwood College in 1999. I tried to hold back two guys whom were yelling at him.... finally I said.. Forget performing here Enels.... Enels said but THIS IS OUR CHANG Ryan !! Julian!!! I said. No... Nobody say nothing !!
I would like to talk to the staff and see if they like my songs LOST WARRIOR and SEX AND WAR only on youtube.com ... if liked and interested... find Enels.. he has thriving collaborations everywhere... Eric Nelson, Charles Fitzpatrick, Ryan Hanna and Houston Stevens... rhanna873@gmail.com .... Hannah Foods, ask for Billy St. Louis or Adnan Mohammed ... Thank u so much.
翻译:我是 Julian Hannibal,马萨诸塞州波士顿的一位知名艺术家。我准备与 Enels 一起现场表演,Enels 是一位备受尊敬的艺术家,来自新英格兰海滩、马萨诸塞州、新罕布什尔地区和新罕布什尔州西布鲁克,“美味可口的 Hannah Foods Hummus Factory 的所在地”……“甚至比知名的还要好!!”
.... 有人似乎在与 Rotana 酒店的联络人 Eddy Tannous 争吵……因此,我是一名受过训练的橄榄球运动员,被邀请为黎巴嫩职业国家队效力……1999 年来自 Eastwood College 的 Cedars。我试图阻止两个对他大喊大叫的人……最后我说……忘记在这里表演吧,Enels……Enels 说,但这是我们的 CHANG Ryan!!Julian!!!我说。不……没人说什么!!
我想和工作人员谈谈,看看他们是否喜欢我在 youtube.com 上的歌曲 LOST WARRIOR 和 SEX AND WAR...如果喜欢和感兴趣...就找 Enels...他与各地都有蓬勃发展的合作...Eric Nelson、Charles Fitzpatrick、Ryan Hanna 和 Houston Stevens...rhanna873@gmail.com...Hannah Foods,找 Billy St. Louis 或 Adnan Mohammed...非常感谢。