点评:Children’s Peace Monument is dedicated to a little girl named Sadako Sasaki who developed leukemia from her exposure to the atomic bomb radiation. It is also a memorial dedicated to all the children who died on the day of the bombing or because of the bomb's aftereffects. Many 11- to 14-year-old students were mobilized to demolish houses to create fire breaks. Surrounded by glass cases of strings of paper cranes as a symbol of peace. The sculpture portrays a child with her arms reaching for the sky and a crane string above her. A Japanese legend said that if a person folded 1,000 origami paper cranes, they would have their wish granted. Sadako’s wish was to be cured but she passed away after making over 700 cranes. Still today people all over the world continue to leave folded cranes at the monument as a symbol of peace. The monument purpose is to mourn all the children who lost their lives due to the atomic bomb explosion. It is often referred to as the “Tower of a Thousand Cranes”
翻译:儿童和平纪念碑是为了纪念一位名叫佐佐木贞子的小女孩而建,她因受到原子弹辐射而患上白血病。这座纪念碑也是为纪念所有在原子弹爆炸当天或因原子弹爆炸后遗症而死亡的儿童而建。许多 11 至 14 岁的学生被动员起来拆除房屋以开辟防火通道。纪念碑周围环绕着玻璃盒子,里面挂着一串串纸鹤,象征着和平。这座雕塑描绘了一个孩子,她的双臂伸向天空,头顶上有一根纸鹤绳。日本传说,如果一个人折了 1,000 只纸鹤,他们的愿望就会实现。佐佐木贞子的愿望是被治愈,但她在折了 700 多只纸鹤后就去世了。直到今天,世界各地的人们仍然继续在纪念碑前留下折好的纸鹤,作为和平的象征。这座纪念碑的目的是悼念所有因原子弹爆炸而丧生的儿童。它通常被称为“千鹤塔”