点评:Kru Charn, has a primary school education, but gets everyone to call him a ‘doctor’.
He is unprofessional and is always keen to make sexist jokes.
He strongly believes that he is better than everyone, and he accuses other trainers for stealing his teaching contents.
He has laughed at his clients for being smelly and stinky because they’re Indians in front of others.
I’ve seen him speaking to a very kind female client that her mouth smelled badly and asked if she brushed her teeth before she opened her month to speak to him.
His teaching is unfortunately not based on the needs of the client, but based on who is around him at the gym.
If he sees a trainer that he doesn’t like (it means everyone) and the trainer is with a new student, he would then force his client to spar with him. By sparring, it means he kicks your ass, leaves marks and bruises on your legs, and tries to apply all those fancy movements to get you down on the floor; just to draw attention of this other trainer and his student. So that they know he’s better than them. He would not teach you anything during the process.
He’s very moody and cranky. He would chase you away if he’s in a bad mood, regardless how early you get yourself up and ready for the training. However, if you’re good at tipping, then it can be a different story.
So to wrap up, if you’re a person that doesn’t mind sexist jokes, you tip well, and you’re happy to spar not for the sake of learning, but for him to show off and have an ego booster, he’s your man.
翻译:Kru Charn,小学文化,却让所有人都叫他‘医生’。