点评:Like every tourist destination in the U.S., there is a house built for the richest man in town that subsequently was sold, then converted to something else and has now been renovated to show how rich folks lived back in day. In Kearney this place is called the G.W. Frank House. We joined a guided tour in progress that was given by a coed who in a monotone voice read about each room from her iPhone. When I subsequently mentioned to a traveler that it might be more educational to give the tour without reading word for word from a script, I was chided as "she's only worked there for five months."
I found two historic accoutrements on the dining room table that were noteworthy:
-Spoon warmer: used by filthy rich people so their soup spoon wouldn't excessively cool their soup.
-Celery holder: used by filthy rich people to hold their celery upright³.
翻译:就像美国的每个旅游目的地一样,有一栋为镇上最富有的人建造的房子,后来被出售,然后改造成其他东西,现在又经过翻新,以展示富人当年的生活方式。在科尔尼,这个地方被称为 G.W.弗兰克·豪斯.我们参加了一个正在进行中的导游,由一位男女生带领,她用她的 iPhone 用单调的声音朗读每个房间的信息。当我随后向一位旅行者提到,在不逐字逐句阅读剧本的情况下进行游览可能更有教育意义时,我被责骂为“她只在那里工作了五个月”。
- 勺子加热器:肮脏的富人使用的,这样他们的汤勺就不会过度冷却他们的汤。