点评:The locals call it Atajukinsky Garden after local prince Atajuko Atajukin, who was its first private owner. The park was founded in 1847.
My wife and I admired it in mid-August when we were in Nal'chik as tourists. Our hotel was situated not far from it, so we took a walk there.
Yes, it's really magnificent, and the locals obviously like it. It's not only a place to loiter across but a place to fix a date, walk toddlers, ride a bicycle, massage one's skateboard, sing a song, have an exquisite dinner by the pond, and even get married.
Due to its size, it's impossible to explore it in a day or two. Still, we were impressed by what we saw, including the fountains, flowerbeds, manicured lawns, solemn monuments, droll statues, etc.
We felt pretty safe there, too.
翻译:当地人将其称为阿塔朱金斯基花园 (Atajukinsky Garden),以纪念当地王子阿塔朱科·阿塔朱金 (Atajuko Atajukin),他是花园的第一位私人所有者。该公园始建于 1847 年。