21st Century Technology using 1970's development of 70mm film and multi-channel sound
Coolidge Corner Theater的点评
点评:As a New York Expat of a certain age, I grew up on movies, In the 1960's I worked at various film labs that produced 35mm and 70mm prints for theatrical release. Technology has changed since those days but 70mm. 4 Track sound was reproduced
from 4 oxide striped tracks sound on film. I am not sure how that is done now. The quality of the sound track depends on the projectionists audio setting. On 1/23 3;15 screening of The Brutalist, the audio was set incorrectly , causing speech to sound distorted. I did sit through the entire screening and did not mention it to management. If this is read by any who are responsible for projection, please note. I love the main theater which is so reminiscent of my youth in the 1940-1970s
翻译:作为一名在纽约长大的外籍人士,我是看着电影长大的。20 世纪 60 年代,我在各种电影实验室工作,制作 35 毫米和 70 毫米的拷贝以供影院上映。从那时起,技术已经发生了变化,但 70 毫米。4 轨声音是从胶片上的 4 条氧化条纹轨道中重现的。我不确定现在是怎么做到的。音轨的质量取决于放映员的音频设置。在 1/23 3;15 放映《野兽派》时,音频设置不正确,导致语音听起来失真。我确实从头到尾都坐着看,并没有向管理层提及此事。如果负责放映的人读到这篇文章,请注意。我喜欢主剧院,它让我回想起了 1940-1970 年代的青春岁月