点评:One of the homes of the Duke of Buccleuch, as you would expect, it is an interesting example of its kind. Guided tours need to be booked in advance, with timed starts, so it was unfortunate that some people arrived as the party had finished the introductory chat outside the door when latecomers arrived.
As might be expected, you are told (several times) not to touch 'anything' as 'everything' is alarmed, and no photography. When this had been gone through again, even more latecomers turned up, and - you guessed.
However, the house is of interest, the decor somewhat gaudy, and overly furnished with French furniture for my taste, though the boulle cabinets scattered about are of outstanding workmanship. One cabinet would be enough to show off, a pair Is being greedy, and there are several pairs as you are conducted around the ground floor.
Much emphasis is placed by the guides on the artworks, which contain many of the most expensive artists work, evidence of past generations taking an interest in the finest workmanship to be had in its day.
Apart from the catalogue of possessions, though there was little said about the influence of the previous generations on the lives of their subjects, or the source of their wealth. More particularly, I felt more could have been made of the beneficent activities of the current Duke and family, and how they now fit into the ruling classes and government of their country. Scottish Lairds as a group have a historical reputation for self interest, and I felt that some of this history could have been confronted rather than confirmed.
The landscape tour was more forthcoming, with an enthusiastic guide who was knowledgeable and supportive of this century's activities of the estate, the wildlife, and regeneration.
The current complement of 4 gardeners must work a good shift to keep so much in a managed condition. I doff my cap to them, and did so to a lone gardener we came across in a flowerbed.
目前的 4 名园丁必须做好轮班工作,才能使这么多园丁处于受管理的状态。我向他们脱下了帽子,也向我们在花坛里遇到的一位孤独的园丁脱下了帽子。