点评:This is a long physical scrambling hike starting off from a free car parking on the A5 lay-by. Long walk up roads farm footpaths to the base of Moel Siabot. Follow to the left along the base past a lake and through a slate mining area, continuing to another lake which the ground can be a bit squelchy underfoot, keeping right at this second lake you can see a path leading up to the scramble up the Moel Siabot. After the first bit of Scrambling you come to a path going to the left. This is a longer easier route up but still involves a bit of rock work in places or you can take the more direct scrambling route up the main section, right of the ridge up has vertical drops and needs to be avoided as very dangerous. If in doubt take the longer easier route, still challenging in places. At the top the views are stunning you can see most of the ranges, Snowdon & Tryfan are clearly recognisable. The descent you have two choices continue to scramble along the ridge avoiding the right side again as vertical drops after crossing a grassy plateau or drop down to the left from the grassy plateau down some rocks to the lower grassy section and follow the path to the right with the scrambling section above you. Both sections then meet up where you start a steepish grassy section down to the farm track you came up earlier. My advice is only do this on a good clear, dry days. Avoid if windy, wet or low cloud is in the forecast. Scrambling is required and do your homework before attempting this one. Enjoy and stay safe.
翻译:这是一次漫长的攀爬徒步旅行,从 A5 停车区的免费停车场开始。沿着农场小路走很长一段路才能到达 Moel Siabot 山脚。沿着山脚向左走,经过一个湖泊和一个板岩采矿区,继续到另一个湖泊,这里的地面踩上去有点吱吱作响,在第二个湖泊保持右行,你可以看到一条通往 Moel Siabot 山脚攀爬的小路。爬完第一段攀爬后,你会来到一条向左的小路。这是一条更长更简单的路线,但在某些地方仍需要做一些岩石工作,或者你可以选择更直接的攀爬路线爬上主要路段,山脊的右侧有垂直落差,需要避开,因为非常危险。如果有疑问,可以选择更长更简单的路线,但在某些地方仍然很有挑战性。山顶的景色令人惊叹,你可以看到大部分山脉,斯诺登山和特里凡峰清晰可辨。下山时,您有两个选择:继续沿着山脊攀爬,穿过草甸高原后再次避开右侧,因为垂直下降;或者从草甸高原向左下,沿着一些岩石下降到较低的草区,然后沿着右侧的小路,攀爬部分就在您上方。然后,两个部分会汇合,您从陡峭的草区开始,一直下到您之前上来的农场小路。我的建议是只在晴朗干燥的日子这样做。如果天气预报有风、潮湿或低云,请避免这样做。攀爬是必需的,在尝试之前做好功课。尽情享受并注意安全。