点评:I visited Mystic Hot Springs in mid-October as part of a Utah road trip. I’m a part-time photographer, so I brought my camera to capture the sunset. Unfortunately, I accidentally left a pricey lens by the pools. Thankfully, they found it, and we arranged to pick it up on a later visit. We tried to reserve a spot online the day before, but the site wouldn’t let us book. When we arrived at the arranged time, no staff were there, and several other guests were also waiting without help. After calling, I spoke to someone who allowed us to go in and wait. However, an older staff member later confronted me aggressively, swearing and ultimately kicking me out for not having a reservation, despite my explaining the prior arrangement we maid on the phone that I could pay in the service shop when staff actually arrived. In my 40 years, I’ve never been treated like this at any establishment. It’s not an experience I’d recommend.
翻译:十月中旬,我去了犹他州的神秘温泉。我是一名兼职摄影师,所以我带了相机来拍摄日落。不幸的是,我不小心把一个昂贵的镜头落在了温泉池边。谢天谢地,他们找到了它,我们约好下次再去取。我们前一天试图在网上预订一个位置,但网站不允许我们预订。当我们按照约定的时间到达时,那里没有工作人员,其他几位客人也在等待,没有人帮忙。打电话后,我和一位允许我们进去等候的人交谈。然而,一位年长的工作人员后来咄咄逼人地对质我,骂骂咧咧,最后以没有预订为由把我赶了出去,尽管我在电话里解释了之前的安排,即工作人员到达后我可以去服务店付款。在我 40 年的人生中,我从来没有在任何一家机构受到过这样的待遇。这不是我推荐的体验。