点评:We went to St. James for the Folk Concert Series held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings from May to October (I think). On September 11, 2024, our program featured Eoin Duignan on Low Whistle and Uilleann Pipes, guitarist Jon Sanders, Guitarist/vocalist Gerry O'Beirne, and Teresa Horgan on flute and vocals. Eoin always has the finest Irish folk musicians for an evening of beautiful music in an intimate setting at St. James Church. The tickets are only 20 Euro. The concerts begin, and end on time (7:30-9:15). Only 100 seats are available. This was our second time at the concert series, and we can assure you that you won't be disappointed. Purchase your tickets in advance at the nearby pub, a local music store, or on-line so you're guaranteed a seat. There were only a handful of walk-ups available the night of our concert. The acoustics are beautiful as is the setting. We recommend getting there at 7PM if you want to sit towards the front as we like to do. The audience is not raked but the performers are up a few steps in the sanctuary of the church.
翻译:我们去圣詹姆斯参加民谣音乐会系列,从五月到十月(我想),每周一、周三和周五晚上举行。2024 年 9 月 11 日,我们的节目以 Eoin Duignan 演奏低哨和爱尔兰风笛、吉他手 Jon Sanders、吉他手/歌手 Gerry O'Beirne 和 Teresa Horgan 演奏长笛和声乐为特色。Eoin 总是有最好的爱尔兰民间音乐家在圣詹姆斯教堂的亲密环境中度过一个美妙的音乐之夜。门票只需 20 欧元。音乐会准时开始和结束(7:30-9:15)。只有 100 个座位可用。这是我们第二次参加音乐会系列,我们可以向您保证您不会失望。提前在附近的酒吧、当地音乐商店或在线购买门票,这样您就能保证有座位。我们音乐会当晚只有少数几个临时座位。音响效果和布景都很棒。如果您想像我们一样坐在前面,我们建议您在晚上 7 点到达那里。观众没有倾斜,但表演者在教堂圣所的几级台阶上。