点评:The Esplanade boardwalk? More like the Bird Walk! This spot is an absolute haven for bird enthusiasts. My photo album is overflowing with incredible bird photos from my strolls here. From pelicans (special shoutout—they’re AWESOME) to a wide variety of shorebirds, every step offers a new feathered friend to admire.
But wait, there’s more! If you stick around after 7:30 PM, prepare yourself for an unforgettable bat spectacle. Seriously, it feels like there are a million of them. These giant, fat bats (flying foxes) hang upside down in the trees, making an incredible racket as they stir for the evening. It’s so cool to see them in action—an absolute must for nature lovers.
The boardwalk itself is pristine and thoughtfully designed, with something for everyone. Kids have plenty to do, there’s excellent beach watching, and the clean, scenic pathways make it perfect for a leisurely stroll or a morning bird-watching adventure. The Esplanade Bird Walk is truly a standout Cairns experience.
但等等,还有更多!如果您在晚上 7:30 之后还在附近,请准备好欣赏令人难忘的蝙蝠奇观。说真的,感觉有上百万只。这些巨大而肥胖的蝙蝠(狐蝠)倒挂在树上,晚上活动时发出令人难以置信的喧闹声。看到它们的活动真是太酷了——对于自然爱好者来说绝对不容错过。
木板路本身非常原始且经过精心设计,适合每个人。孩子们有很多事情可做,海滩景色极佳,干净、风景优美的小径非常适合悠闲散步或清晨观鸟。滨海艺术中心观鸟步道 (Esplanade Bird Walk) 绝对是凯恩斯一次非凡的体验。