点评:Definitely not a family-friendly place. If you’re not skiing or snowboarding, there’s absolutely nothing to do. We brought a sled, only to be told we could only use it in a pathetic little alley out back, where the snow is more like wet slush mixed with dirt. You used to be able to enjoy Happy Valley with your family, playing in the snow with tubes and sleds. Now, it's just overpriced, and you're restricted from doing anything fun.
I’ve been looking forward to this trip for 10 years, and it turned out to be the biggest letdown ever. They said if we took the skywalk, there would be snow up there, but we still couldn't use our sled. We paid $180 to get up there, and it’s just a tiny, overcrowded area that feels like a small, rock-hard backyard because of all the people crammed into it. You can’t even make a snowman! To top it off, they literally block you from leaving that tiny area, even though you can see plenty of snow everywhere else that you aren’t allowed to play in.
I’ll never be going back.
Side note they have made it impossible to do a google review so we get blind sided when you get there
我期待这次旅行已经 10 年了,结果却是最大的失望。他们说如果我们走空中走廊,那里会有雪,但我们仍然不能使用雪橇。我们花了 180 美元才到达那里,那里只是一个很小、人满为患的地方,感觉就像一个小小的、坚硬的后院,因为里面挤满了人。你甚至不能堆雪人!最糟糕的是,他们真的阻止你离开那个小区域,尽管你可以在其他地方看到很多雪,而你不允许在那里玩耍。