点评:This adventure offers a 1.5 km (250-meter elevation gain) hike through a narrow gorge with steep, vertical walls up to 30 meters high. A stream runs through the middle, requiring you to cross or even walk in it at times. Despite the challenging terrain, the gorge is fairly accessible. However, proceed at your own risk.
Good footwear is highly recommended, as the difficulty of the hike varies greatly depending on the water level in the stream. After heavy rains, the hike can become quite difficult and potentially dangerous. While makeshift ladders and ropes are often present, don't expect a perfectly safe trip unless you have some hiking experience.
Take a short rest at the small "Gamledammen" ("Old dam") at the top, and go down by one of the paths either on the right hand side, the ski area on the left hand side, or best, if you use a map (open street map based maps are sufficient): go approximately 1 km further left for a very nice viewpoint by an old trigonometric point located at 300 masl.
翻译:这次冒险之旅将带您徒步 1.5 公里(海拔 250 米),穿过狭窄的峡谷,峡谷内有高达 30 米的陡峭垂直墙壁。一条小溪从中间穿过,有时需要您穿过或步行穿过。尽管地形具有挑战性,但峡谷还是相当容易进入的。但是,请自行承担风险。
在山顶的小“Gamledammen”(“老坝”)稍事休息,然后沿着右手边的一条小路、左手边的滑雪区走下去,或者最好使用地图(基于开放街道地图的地图就足够了):再向左走大约 1 公里,可以看到位于海拔 300 米的古老三角点,那里有一个非常好的观景点。