点评:Mengeruda Hot Spring, an unique hot spring with its still very natural surrounding. There is one pool where the hot spring source is located. The hot spring water flows through a river meets the pool of where the cold water flows from another river. We will always feel like we are physically and psychologically balanced whenever we bathe in.
We can reach there around 45 minutes drive from Bajawa the capital city of Ngada Regency via Bajawa - Mbay alternative St. following the Soa Airport direction.
There are some housing which designed to be homestays not far from here because it is a well-known tourist attraction. Amenities such as "warung" / "kios" which provides daily needs are available many around the entrance gate of this attraction. Other supporting infrastructure like water, electricity, and internet are easy to access.
翻译:Mengeruda 温泉,一处独特的温泉,周围环境非常自然。温泉源头处有一个水池。温泉水流经一条河流,与来自另一条河流的冷水汇合。每次沐浴时,我们都会感到身心平衡。
从恩加达摄政区首府巴贾瓦出发,沿巴贾瓦 - Mbay 替代街行驶约 45 分钟即可到达那里,沿索阿机场方向行驶。