点评:This hike lived up to the hype of the rewarding summit. First off, I don't think that the hike should be classified as "hard" necessarily. Unless you're an avid hiker, which I am not, you will absolutely need to catch your breath a few times during the ascent. There is railing and guide-rope everywhere, so it isn't as "dangerous" as some have described it. While you are scaling the side of the mountain, it's not as if you feel like you're about to fall right off the edge.
It had rained the day before and the hike up was fine even with that. A lot of that side of the mountain is exposed to the sun, so mud and stuff can dry up quickly.
That view was absolutely worth it. It's something that you have to view in person to appreciate.
I took the Skagehola boat from Geiranger to the bottom of the Skagefla hike and then walked back through Holmung. Honestly the most precarious part of the entire hike was the hike back to town. I kind of got lost a bit and it was fairly muddy - so I had to be very careful in where I stepped. The most dangerous part in my opinion was the descent towards the Holmung cap where that are a bunch of slanted rocks that you have to scale down. It's probably at a 30 degree angle...and probably isn't too bad normally...but those rocks were slippery because of the recent rainfall...and I actually took a tumble - my only tumble during the entire hike - during the descent down. A few bruises, but no worse for wear. Once you get back down to Holmung, you just follow the road back into Geiranger for 2.5 miles.
I would highly recommend downloading AllTrails and getting the map of your hike on your phone to follow just in case. I was "sort of" doing that and ended up looping once back. I figured it out and found my way back, but it would've been better if I had planned it out better. You'll have cell reception nearly everywhere on the mountain - so that's not an issue.
我乘坐 Skagehola 船从盖朗厄尔到 Skagefla 徒步旅行的底部,然后步行穿过霍尔蒙。老实说,整个徒步旅行中最危险的部分是徒步返回城镇。我有点迷路了,而且泥泞不堪——所以我必须非常小心地走。在我看来,最危险的部分是下山去 Holmung 帽,那里有一堆倾斜的岩石,你必须爬下去。它可能呈 30 度角……通常可能不是太糟糕……但由于最近的降雨,那些岩石很滑……实际上我在下山时摔了一跤——这是我整个徒步旅行中唯一一次摔倒。有几处擦伤,但没有什么大碍。回到 Holmung 后,你只需沿着路走 2.5 英里回到盖朗厄尔即可。
我强烈建议下载 AllTrails 并在手机上获取徒步旅行地图,以防万一。我“有点”这样做了,结果绕了一圈回来。我找到了回去的路,但如果我计划得更好,那就更好了。几乎在山上的任何地方都可以接收到手机信号 - 所以这不是问题。