点评:The Museo located some distance from Centro is easily reached by Uber or bus. It is only fitting that from street level that you need to climb stairs to enter the museum. Entrance fees are reasonable (150 pesos for international visitors). Upon entry for what ever reason we were directed to visit the room starting with Room 4. Strongly suggest that you go to Room 1 and begin the walk through their as you go from the present to the past and the exhibits more logically follow that way.
Many beautiful displays with explnatory panels that are available in the three languages-Mayan, Spanish and English. The panels are rich in detail in most cases but are presented at a height that makes reading hem awkward. I am not a tall person (5'9") but the panels are presented at waist high. Though this may accommoate people who are short or handicapped, reading them for taller people requires you to bend over. Some of the below the floor exhbits visible through glass have their explanatory panels down ofn the floor making them useless unless you get on your hands and knees. The panels were a major disappointment.
The prehistoric Mayan materials were wonderful to see but I felt that a better story could have been told the development of the Maya cultures that spanned 3,000 plus years.
Be forewarned there is no restaurant in the museum, so bring water with you. Staff at the museum are very helpful.
Overall very glad that I went but overall was disappointed with the prehistoric Maya section because of the lack of a clear story and difficult to read panels. Be advised that there is an English tour lasting two hours that we did not take.
翻译:博物馆距离 Centro 有一段距离,乘坐 Uber 或巴士即可轻松抵达。从街上进入博物馆需要爬楼梯,这很合适。门票价格合理(国际游客 150 比索)。进入后,不知为何,我们被指示从 4 号房间开始参观。强烈建议您前往 1 号房间,从现在到过去,展览更符合逻辑地遵循这种方式。
许多漂亮的展品都配有解说面板,提供三种语言 - 玛雅语、西班牙语和英语。在大多数情况下,面板的细节丰富,但展示的高度使阅读变得尴尬。我个子不高(5 英尺 9 英寸),但展板的高度与腰部齐平。虽然这可能适合身材矮小或有残疾的人,但阅读高个子人士的展板需要弯腰。一些透过玻璃可见的地板下展品的说明板位于地板上,除非您跪下,否则无法使用。这些展板令人大失所望。
史前玛雅资料很值得一看,但我觉得可以讲述一个更好的故事,讲述跨越 3,000 多年的玛雅文化的发展。