点评:This set of arches carved out of the stone stand right at the waters edge. Beautiful because you can see the waves crashing through the arches making it very dramatic (especially on the windy day when we were there). What's also odd is that these rocks stand in complete isolation - all around is a stony beach and no cliffs behind them. It's as though someone had thrown this rock formation here as it looks somewhat out of character. That all adds to the charm though and overall it's a very photogenic spot. Luckily the wind may have kept the tourists away as there weren't many around even though it was the height of the summer.
It's 20-30 minutes further north from the Western Brook Pond car park (and sign-posted just off the main road so you can't miss it). So if you're doing that boat trip, take an extra few hours and come here too.
从 Western Brook Pond 停车场往北走 20-30 分钟(主干道旁有路标,所以你不会错过)。所以,如果你要乘船旅行,多花几个小时来这里吧。