点评:We spent 4 nights in Deramakot, travelling with Adventure Alternative Borneo, which we thought was about right; much longer might have been repetitive. Our guide was Henry Sapingi, who was very, very good, both in terms of knowledge and spotting ability. AAB's cook was also excellent, producing simple but well cooked and delicious food, undoubtedly the best food we had in our 13 nights in Borneo. The bedrooms are nicer than we expected with very efficient air conditioning. There is room for the one we had to have a couple of plastic chairs which would be a major improvement, as would a shelf above the sink.
You have 7 hours of 4wd every day at times you sort out with your guide and fortunately, we had no rain, excepting a few drops one day. You do have to be prepared for quite a lot of downtime with not much to do; we found it too hot in the middle of the day to be wandering about.
As for animals, we were met when driving in by a young elephant doing a mock charge and throwing rubbish on its back. It eventually trotted off down the road, a bit like a teenage tantrum. That really set the scene for the rest of our stay. During the day, we managed to actually see gibbons, although not near to, orangutan mothers with young and a whole host of birds. The night drives were excellent, lots of civets, I think 6 different species, numerous frogs, lots of mouse deer, 3 leopard cats, flying squirrels; one red flying squirrel made a wonderful glide for the best part of 100 metres lit by Henry's torch. The icing on the cake was not one but two marbled cats, presumably mother and young, on adjacent trees, the first time Henry had ever seen two together. We were watching them for the best part of 30 minutes, allowing Henry time to set up his 'scope and take videos of them. Even without that, it would have been a fascinating visit.
翻译:我们在德拉马科特度过了 4 个晚上,和 Adventure Alternative Borneo 一起旅行,我们认为这段时间还算合适;如果时间再长,可能会显得重复。我们的导游是 Henry Sapingi,他非常非常优秀,知识渊博,观察力也很强。AAB 的厨师也很棒,他烹制的食物简单但烹饪得当,非常美味,无疑是我们在婆罗洲 13 个晚上吃到的最好的食物。卧室比我们预期的要好,空调非常高效。房间足够容纳我们不得不放几把塑料椅子的空间,这将是一个很大的改进,水槽上方的架子也是如此。
每天有 7 个小时的四轮驱动车,有时需要和导游商量,幸运的是,我们没有下雨,除了有一天下了几滴雨。你必须准备好相当多的休息时间,没有太多事情可做;我们发现中午太热了,不适合四处闲逛。
至于动物,我们开车进去时遇到了一头小象,它假装冲撞,把垃圾扔到它的背上。最后它沿着路跑走了,有点像青少年发脾气。这为我们接下来的逗留奠定了基础。白天,我们设法看到了长臂猿(虽然离得不近)、猩猩妈妈和孩子以及一大群鸟。夜间驾车游览非常棒,有很多麝香猫(我想是 6 种不同的品种)、无数青蛙、很多鼠鹿、3 只豹猫、飞鼠;在亨利的手电筒的照射下,一只红飞鼠在 100 米的大部分时间里滑翔得非常漂亮。锦上添花的是,相邻的树上不是一只而是两只云豹猫,大概是母猫和孩子,这是亨利第一次看到两只在一起。我们观察了它们将近 30 分钟,让亨利有时间设置他的望远镜并拍摄它们的视频。即使没有这些,这次参观也会非常有趣。