点评:Initially was hestitant to drive all that way on my own, but was reassured by anyone I asked locally that I would be fine. Lovely drive through all the dairy farms on the way, plenty of cows to see.
Stopped at Marrawah first to check out Green Point Beach, the area is immaculently cared for, beautiful area.
The road to Arthur River was better than expected and lovely drive, completely sealed.
Arriving at Arthur River was a bit of a let down due to bogans on jetski's being idiots and other people parked in cars being noisy near the bridge.
Edge of the World is a few minutes drive away from here and away from the noise, the bridge is narrow, so make sure drive slowly. Some gravel road to the car park, and easy parking.
It was absolutely stunning when I arrived the sun was over the water and got some great photos, and it wasn't too windy, had also been hesitant going due to another comment saying their car got blown all over the place. Was my lucky day. I wanted to tick this off my Bucket List, and inspired by a current facebook page Lap of Tasmania.
首先在 Marrawah 停下来看看绿点海滩,这个地区维护得非常好,风景优美。
我到达时,太阳在水面上,拍了一些很棒的照片,风也不太大,当时也犹豫要不要去,因为另一条评论说他们的车被吹得到处都是。这是我幸运的一天。我想把这件事从我的愿望清单中划掉,并受到当前 Facebook 页面 Lap of Tasmania 的启发。