点评:We made a dive trip to Alor in Aug 2022 and could not possibly have done better with anyone else.
Flights were postponed from the expected arrival date so we arrived a day late and close to 11AM, fully expecting to lose the diving day. This was not the case, as Donovan was so well organised. We got picked up, checked in to our hotel(best in Kalabahi no doubt) and on the boat managing to squeeze in two dives before the sun set.
Now here’s the thing all dive sites in Alor seem to be in a sheltered bay and look deceptively calm and manageable when you look at the map and the pictures. This is not the case. All sites even the ones right in front of villages and in shallow water under 5m in depth have ripping currents and cold waters. We experienced 22C and were told it could get to 17C and this, on days with clear sunny skies overhead in tropical waters. The combination of very deep water with shallow sections side by side in narrow channels result in fast currents, up currents, down currents and cold water in the most unexpected places. In addition some sites had really fast currents at the bottom and no currents on the surface, all in all bizarre conditions. Donovan has, we now know unmatched experience and understanding of the local diving environment and quite possibly is the only guide capable of handling all sites in Alor. There is no substitute for the experience of the local diving expert at sites like these if one wants to dive safely.
Our best sites were Kal’s Dream and The Cathedral.
Alor is as good as the more popular sites in Komodo if not better given the excellent coral cover and civic mindedness of the local population. There is hardly any rubbish on land or in the water and reefs undamaged even right in front of villages.
Please do visit Alor, with Donovan as your guide to fully appreciate and enjoy it.
Lastly a big thank you to Donovan and his crew(Ben included) for making this a great trip for us.
Lots of love.
Saanthi and Gou
翻译:我们于 2022 年 8 月进行了一次亚罗岛潜水之旅,与其他任何人都不可能做得更好。
航班从预计抵达日期推迟,所以我们迟到了一天,接近上午 11 点,完全预计会失去潜水日。事实并非如此,因为多诺万组织得很好。我们被接走了,入住了我们的酒店(毫无疑问是卡拉巴希最好的酒店),然后在船上设法在日落前挤进了两次潜水。
现在,当您查看地图和图片时,Alor 的所有潜水点似乎都位于一个隐蔽的海湾中,并且看起来看似平静且易于管理。不是这种情况。所有地点,甚至是那些就在村庄前面和深度不到 5 米的浅水中的地点,都有急流和冷水。我们经历了 22 摄氏度,并被告知它可能会达到 17 摄氏度,而在热带水域头顶晴空万里的日子里。在狭窄的河道中,非常深的水与浅水区并排组合,导致在最意想不到的地方出现急流、上升流、下降流和冷水。此外,有些地点在底部有非常快的水流,而在表面没有水流,所有这些都是奇怪的情况。多诺万,我们现在知道无与伦比的经验和对当地潜水环境的了解,很可能是唯一能够处理亚罗岛所有地点的指南。如果想安全潜水,没有什么可以替代当地潜水专家在这些地点的经验。
我们最好的网站是 Kal’s Dream 和 The Cathedral。
最后,非常感谢 Donovan 和他的团队(包括 Ben),感谢他们让我们度过了愉快的旅程。
Saanthi 和郭