点评:The Crystal Forest stop on the road through the south part of the park is really where one will find the most satisfying collection of petrified logs and where one can hike a paved trail that gives an up-close look at the ancient fossils. The now-stone logs are remarkable in appearing sometimes to almost still be wood -- some of them seem to retain the appearance and texture of the once-living trees. Sizes range from small chunks to enormous broken "logs". There are plaques along the trail explaining the sights (along with a sign with a happy cloud that asks visitors to return to their cars by 6:00 pm or hungry coyotes might eat them.... They're kidding... right?).
This was definitely the most interesting stop of the entire park, providing a tantilizing -- if fragmented -- look at how the region must have appeared so very long ago.
Note that there is another shorter trail among yet more fossilized logs further south along the park road at the Rainbow Forest Museum and shop.
翻译:水晶森林位于公园南部的道路上,是游客可以找到最令人满意的石化原木的地方,游客可以沿着铺好的小径徒步,近距离观察古老的化石。这些现在变成石化的原木有时看起来几乎仍然是木头,有些似乎保留了曾经活着的树木的外观和纹理。它们的大小从小块到巨大的破碎“原木”不等。小径上有一些牌匾介绍这些景点(还有一个带有快乐云朵的标志,要求游客在下午 6:00 之前返回他们的汽车,否则饥饿的郊狼可能会吃掉他们......他们在开玩笑......对吧?)。