点评:I finished the detox. Yeay 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
I'm more online present now. The beginning of the detox experience was so different from the middle and end. The beginning was "hard". Now - I could've continued actually. But I'm traveling soon, so better to start introducing other foods.
I'm continuing with the meditation. Abiding in silence... delicious. I dry brush every morning. I'll also continue drinking the juice in the morning + taking triphala before bed 🛌 And I learnt to make my own ghee!! And almond milk. Whoop whoop. 🙌🏻
One thing I noticed, without eating meat and fish, no coffee, no wine, and the digital detox, I felt "lighter " on a subtle level. I was able to connect to God much easier in prayer and meditation. As if my antenna become more fine tuned and laser sharp. Thoughts do subside quicker and the ALL embraces me and I have easier access to downloads. Overall feeling nourished by Source and able to stay longer in that state. Which is definitely healing my nervous system!! The foundation of everything. I'm so glad and grateful we did this together. Thank you for your guidance and support Liliimaya 🩷
翻译:我完成了排毒。耶 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
我现在更专注于网络。排毒体验的开始与中间和结束截然不同。开始很“艰难”。现在 - 我本来可以继续。但我很快就要旅行了,所以最好开始介绍其他食物。
我继续冥想。保持沉默......美味。我每天早上干刷。我还会继续在早上喝果汁 + 睡前服用三果 🛌 我学会了制作自己的酥油!!还有杏仁奶。哇哦哇哦。🙌🏻
我注意到一件事,不吃肉和鱼,不喝咖啡,不喝酒,也不进行数字排毒,我在微妙的层面上感觉“更轻松”。我能够更容易地在祈祷和冥想中与上帝联系。好像我的天线变得更加精细和敏锐。思想确实会更快地平息,一切都拥抱着我,我可以更轻松地下载。总体感觉受到了源头的滋养,能够更长时间地保持这种状态。这肯定是在治愈我的神经系统!!一切的基础。我很高兴也很感激我们一起做到了这一点。感谢 Liliimaya 的指导和支持 🩷