点评:Zoji La Pass or Zero Point is 30-35 km from Sonamarg.
The ride is hilly, bumby and narrow. But the views are breathtaking. We see Amarnath Start point, Kashmir Village and the overall beauty of Himalayas.
Do plan your trip , as entry from both directions is timed. For us from Sonamarg side it opened at 1pm.
The Glacier (Zero point) itself is quite majestic. We opted for a snow bike (and were overly charged - 2k/Person) the ride itself lasted less than 5 mins (we went to Phase 2). (Don’t pay more than 1k/ person) . The point on the glacier was majestic, and due to less crowd this side we were able to take plenty of pictures and just soak in the atmosphere.
Zero point has some small eatiers (but is overpriced again) . We stayed there for 50-60 mins which we thought was sufficient.
A tip : If booking a cab from Sonamarg (4000/cab) , at Zero point it get very crowded and we don’t get any connectivity (Airtel / Vodafone). So decide before hand were the cab would be parked (ideally just before the drop point)
翻译:Zoji La Pass 或 Zero Point 距离 Sonamarg 30-35 公里。
骑行路途崎岖、崎岖且狭窄。但景色令人叹为观止。我们看到了 Amarnath 起点、克什米尔村和喜马拉雅山的整体美景。
请计划您的行程,因为两个方向的入口都有时间限制。对于我们从 Sonamarg 一侧进入的游客来说,它在下午 1 点开放。
冰川(Zero point)本身非常壮观。我们选择了雪地自行车(收费过高 - 2k/人),骑行本身持续不到 5 分钟(我们去了第 2 阶段)。(不要支付超过 1k/人)。冰川上的点非常壮观,由于这一侧人少,我们可以拍很多照片,沉浸在氛围中。
Zero point 有一些小餐馆(但价格再次过高)。我们在那里呆了 50-60 分钟,我们认为这已经足够了。
提示:如果从 Sonamarg 预订出租车(4000/辆),在零点时会非常拥挤,而且我们无法获得任何连接(Airtel / Vodafone)。因此,请提前决定出租车的停放位置(最好是在下车点之前)