点评:The Matangesvara temple is in active worship and is the holiest of the Khajuraho temples, besides being the plainest among the local sandstone temples. On plan and in design, it is a grand elaboration of the Brahma temple. While retaining its family- likeness to the Brahma temple, this temple anticipates the compositional arrangement of the mandapa roofs of the developed Khajuraho temples. Its pillars, however, are plain and the ceiling, formed of overlapping concentric courses, shows elementary ornaments of cusps and floral cusps. since both its exterior and interior are almost plain and devoid of the exuberant sculptured and carved ornamentation, there is no doubt that this is one of the earlier temples of Khajuraho, assignable to circa 900-925. The sanctum-floor is almost completely occupied by a large Gauri-patta (6.2m in diameter), supporting a stupendous polished linga (2.5 m high and 1.1 m in diameter). On the linga are written in indelible ink later Persian and Nagari inscriptions which are not of much significance. (Information from ASI)
翻译:马坦格斯瓦拉神庙是活跃的祭祀场所,是卡修拉荷神庙中最神圣的神庙,同时也是当地砂岩神庙中最朴素的神庙。从平面和设计上看,它是梵天神庙的宏伟杰作。这座神庙在保留了与梵天神庙的家族相似性的同时,还预示了已发展起来的卡修拉荷神庙曼达帕屋顶的构图布局。然而,它的柱子是朴素的,天花板由重叠的同心层组成,展示了尖顶和花尖顶的基本装饰。由于它的外部和内部都几乎是朴素的,没有华丽的雕刻和雕花装饰,毫无疑问,这是卡修拉荷较早的神庙之一,可追溯到大约 900-925 年。殿堂的地面几乎完全被一个巨大的 Gauri-patta(直径 6.2 米)占据,支撑着一个巨大的抛光林伽(高 2.5 米,直径 1.1 米)。林伽上用不褪色的墨水写着后来的波斯语和 Nagari 铭文,但意义不大。(信息来自 ASI)