点评:Majnu ka tilla is a small Tibetan town in Delhi. During my visit to Delhi to meet my relatives, my cousin brother and I went there. As we entered, I felt like I was in a different region, with people dressed in traditional attire. The decorations resembled small Tibetan houses, and they were selling authentic Tibetan food like momos, laphing, and wai wai, as well as souvenirs. Many people, like us, had come to visit mini Tibet. We saw traditional cafes, restaurants, and shops. We then went to a Thakali food restaurant called Thak Thakali, The Nepali Kitchen, where we had a delicious and authentic Thakali pure veg and non-veg thali. We also tried laphing and black tea at a small stall. If you're ever in Delhi, I highly recommend visiting this place to experience the authenticity of mini Tibet.
翻译:Majnu ka tilla 是德里的一个西藏小镇。我和表弟去德里探亲时,去了那里。我们一进去,就感觉自己身处另一个地区,人们都穿着传统服装。装饰类似于藏式小房子,他们出售正宗的藏式食品,如 momos、laphing 和 wai wai,以及纪念品。很多人和我们一样,来这里参观迷你西藏。我们看到了传统的咖啡馆、餐馆和商店。然后,我们去了一家名为 Thak Thakali(尼泊尔厨房)的 Thakali 美食餐厅,在那里我们吃了美味正宗的 Thakali 纯素食和非素食 thali。我们还在一个小摊位上品尝了 laphing 和红茶。如果您来德里,我强烈建议您参观这个地方,体验迷你西藏的真实性。