点评:The falls is a 20 min walk from the drop point where the forest vehicle leaves you. The walk is not that hard. There are 2 small cascades, the lower one mostly occupied by ladies and kids as it is less ferocious. I usually go to the upper one since I don't want to bathe in the water which washes other people upstream, LOL. The water was surprisingly cool though the weather was hot. We visited somewhat early, by around 11 AM so the place was not so crowded
Due to constant water flow, you might find the rocks to be a bit slippery, so, be careful when kids are around. The water comes from another falls upstream and is inside the forest near Kerala border, and people aren't allowed to visit since it is frequented by wildlife and there have been few incidents in the past
My 6 year old son had a bash as it was the first time he took bath in a waterfall
翻译:从森林车辆离开的下车点步行 20 分钟即可到达瀑布。步行并不难。瀑布有 2 个小瀑布,下层瀑布水势较弱,因此大部分游客是女士和儿童。我通常去上层瀑布,因为我不想在水里洗澡,因为水会冲走上游的其他人,哈哈。天气很热,但水却出奇地凉爽。我们去得比较早,大约上午 11 点,所以那里人不多
我 6 岁的儿子玩得很开心,因为这是他第一次在瀑布里洗澡