点评:Chiesa Della Scopa is a quiet little church, around the corner from the busy and popular Piazza del Popolo.
We were intrigued by the name. Was this a church dedicated to Scopa, the new Italian card game we’d just learnt to play? It seemed unlikely.
More likely, it comes from the word for broom because the square out the front was where the public grain sales used to be held and it was constantly being swept to clean away all the leftover oats and barley.
According to a different story, the names came about because followers, who were members of the Confraternity of the Disciplinati, used to beat themselves with a broom-shaped whip during sombre public processions.
In fact the real name is the Church of Santa Maria della Carità
Building work started in the first half of the 16th century, but preceded very, very slowly and took over 100 years to complete. Whilst the facade is relatively plain, the interior is richly ornate, with heavy Baroque style decoration. The central nave is lined with 5 chapels on each side, each with paintings, frescoes and statues. It’s all winged angels and cherubs, and golden ornamentation. However the lighting is gloomy and its quite dark inside so its hard to appreciate the full splendour of it all.
翻译:Chiesa Della Scopa 是一座安静的小教堂,位于繁忙而受欢迎的人民广场 (Piazza del Popolo) 的拐角处。
我们对这个名字很感兴趣。这是一座供奉我们刚刚学会玩的新意大利纸牌游戏 Scopa 的教堂吗?这似乎不太可能。
建筑工程于 16 世纪上半叶开始,但进展非常非常缓慢,花了 100 多年才完成。虽然外观相对朴素,但内部却十分华丽,具有浓重的巴洛克风格装饰。中央中殿两侧各有 5 个小教堂,每个小教堂都有绘画、壁画和雕像。都是带翅膀的天使和小天使,还有金色的装饰。然而灯光昏暗,内部也很暗,很难欣赏到它的全部辉煌。