点评:Large, fun and well-organized cave to visit. The catwalks to get around inside seem brand-new and make it easy to get through the visit (although there is a lot of up and down).
Due to the rain, we weren't sure if the gondolas were running but it seems like you should be able to take one up from Busteni, down from there to nearby the cave and then walk about 10-15 minutes to the cave.
If you drive from Sinaia, it takes just over an hour and be prepared for lots of curves and some big potholes. As of June, 2023, do not follow Google maps for the last 1km or so as it will take you down a rough road to a washed out bridge. Instead go to the monastery on the west side of the river. Park in the lot below the chapel and follow the "spre pestere" signs down to the valley.
由于下雨,我们不确定贡多拉是否正在运行,但似乎您应该可以从布什泰尼乘坐贡多拉,从那里到洞穴附近,然后步行约 10-15 分钟到达洞穴。
如果您从锡纳亚开车,只需一个多小时,并且要做好面对大量弯道和一些大坑洼的准备。自 2023 年 6 月起,请勿在最后 1 公里左右的时间内遵循 Google 地图,因为它会带您沿着崎岖不平的道路到达一座被冲毁的桥梁。而是去河西边的修道院。将车停在教堂下方的停车场,然后沿着“spre pestere”标志前往山谷。