点评:My 14-year-old son and I took a 3-day cruise to Nassau and Bimini specifically to go diving on both islands. The Bimini trip definitely beat Nassau - the dives were AMAZING!
We booked directly with the dive shop since the cruise ship did not offer SCUBA as an excursion. The dive shop crew were all so nice, even though we arrived a little late for our 8:30 trip since our ship took longer to clear customs than scheduled. We finally got off the ship around 8:15 and then had to take a free tram off the cruise pier to Fisherman's Village and then a taxi to the dive shop for $5/person (our driver Aladin gave us an interesting Bimini history lesson on the way and gave us his # to pick us up afterwards). Check-in was very low-key: electronic waivers on an iPad and then rented all of our dive gear. Tanks, weights, and masks were already on the boat waiting for us. It was a nice, big dive boat with padded seating inside to enjoy the rides and an upper deck for the sun worshippers. We saw some flying fish in the waves on the ride out!
The SS Sapona was our first stop, right in the Bermuda Triangle. It was the perfect choice for our first ever wreck dive, with wide openings to enter the ship and swim around inside (saw a stingray chilling in there). It was open to the sky and very shallow at only 20' so it didn't feel claustrophobic. Then we swam around the exterior among all of its wreckage, seeing lots of fish and coral.
Then we took a little ride to our shark dive. We could see a one shark swimming around the boat as we anchored, and saw 2 others swimming around us as we just hung around the ocean floor about 20' down for 30 mins or so. The sharks kept their distance, getting no closer than 5'-10' away, but swam around us constantly. Just as we started climbing back on board, another dozen sharks appeared, encircling us near the surface us we lined up to board the boat. Once we were all on board, the crew did a little feeding frenzy which caused another dozen sharks to show up - quite the shark fest then!
After the scenic boat ride back to the dive shop and taxi ride by the beautiful beaches, we were back on board our cruise ship by 2pm. They crew did all the hard work - they let us leave all of our gear on the boat so we just said our thanks, tipped the crew, and walked away with some great memories!
Definitely recommend them! I'd love to return for the hammerhead dive!
翻译:我 14 岁的儿子和我参加了为期 3 天的游轮之旅,前往拿骚和比米尼岛,专门在这两个岛屿上潜水。比米尼岛之旅绝对胜过拿骚——潜水体验棒极了!
我们直接向潜水店预订,因为游轮不提供水肺潜水短途旅行。潜水店的工作人员都非常好,尽管我们到达的时间比原定的 8:30 的行程晚了一点,因为我们的船比预定时间花了更长的时间清关。我们终于在 8:15 左右下了船,然后不得不从游轮码头乘坐免费电车前往渔人村,然后以每人 5 美元的价格乘坐出租车前往潜水店(我们的司机 Aladin 在途中给我们上了一堂有趣的比米尼岛历史课,并给了我们他的电话号码,以便之后来接我们)。登记入住非常低调:在 iPad 上阅读电子豁免书,然后租用我们所有的潜水装备。气瓶、配重和面罩已经在船上等着我们了。这是一艘漂亮的大型潜水船,里面有软垫座椅,可以享受游乐设施,上层甲板供日光浴爱好者使用。在乘船出海时,我们看到了一些飞鱼在海浪中游动!
SS Sapona 是我们的第一站,就在百慕大三角。这是我们第一次沉船潜水的完美选择,船内有宽敞的开口,可以进入船内游泳(看到一只黄貂鱼在里面休息)。船舱向天空敞开,水很浅,只有 20 英尺,所以不会有幽闭恐惧症。然后我们在船外游来游去,周围都是残骸,看到了很多鱼和珊瑚。
然后我们乘船去鲨鱼潜水。我们停泊时,可以看到一条鲨鱼在船周围游动,我们在大约 20 英尺深的海底游了 30 分钟左右,看到另外两条鲨鱼在我们周围游动。鲨鱼保持着距离,距离不超过 5 英尺到 10 英尺,但一直在我们周围游动。就在我们开始爬回船上时,又出现了十几条鲨鱼,它们在水面附近围着我们,我们排队上船。我们都上船后,船员们疯狂地进食,又引来十几条鲨鱼——真是一场鲨鱼盛宴!
乘船返回潜水店,乘出租车经过美丽的海滩,我们下午 2 点回到游轮上。船员们做了所有辛苦的工作——他们让我们把所有装备都留在船上,所以我们只是说了声谢谢,给了船员小费,就带着美好的回忆离开了!