点评:The Frankland Arms is a distinctly local style of pub and has the associated friendliness and warmth you expect of the genre. It’s a large pub with room for a pool table, various tellies and even an old piano; and on a cold November evening I was pleased with the warmth from the open fire.
Service was friendly but my poor wife suffered from the modern malaise of bar staff failing to realise that if, when you pull lager, you fill the glass to the brim - the lager will be flat, because without a head (which acts as a lid) the CO2 bubbles will disappear. For some reason it is only when pulling half pints that modern bar staff tend to to do this and their reasoning escapes me.
Having said that, I’ve no doubt that if I asked for a head on the lager the lady behind the bar would have complied, so a lesson for me, and I still consider the Frankland to be one of the best pubs in town.
翻译:Frankland Arms 是一家具有鲜明当地风格的酒吧,具有您所期望的这种类型的友好和热情。这是一家大酒吧,里面有台球桌、各种电视机,甚至还有一架旧钢琴。在十一月一个寒冷的夜晚,我很高兴看到篝火带来的温暖。
服务很友好,但我可怜的妻子遭受了酒吧工作人员的现代不适,没有意识到,当你拉啤酒时,你将玻璃杯装满 - 啤酒将是扁平的,因为没有啤酒头(充当盖子) )CO2气泡将会消失。由于某种原因,现代酒吧工作人员只有在喝半品脱啤酒时才会这样做,但我无法理解他们的推理。